
Video: Richard Branson's secrets of success

B1, B2, C1, (C2)

Richard Branson, creator of the Virgin brand, is one of Britain's most successful businessmen. In this video activity from the British Council Learning English site, you will hear him talk about what makes a successful entrepreneur. You will also do four exercises to test your general comprehension and to learn some idiomatic expressions. Video time: 3 minutes. Activity time: 20 to 45 minutes.

Task: Go to the activity page and
1 Watch the video
2 Go down the page and do tasks 1 and 2. Watch the video again if necessary.. Click on rhe red button at the bottom to check your answers
3 Do tasks 3 and 4. To check your answers, listen to the video again or click on the red button.

Go to the activity here.