Do you know what these common English idioms mean? Which one do you think is represented in the illustration?

- break the ice
- full of hot air
- hit the roof
- easier said than done
- meet halfway
- play it by ear
- word of mouth
- a piece of cake
- go with the flow
- that rings a bell
- down the drain
You are going to learn the meaning of the expressions from the VOA (Voice of America) idiom dictionary. You will then do a short exercise to test your understanding. Activity time; 15 to 45 minutes
Task: 1 Go to the idioms dictionary and use the alphabetical menu to find the different expressions. Click on each one and you will read and hear a definition, a description of how it's used, and an example dialogue.
2 Now complete each sentence below with one of the expressions.
a I finished the exam 30 minutes early - it was _________
b I don't mind where we go this evening. I'll just _______
c $200 for a pullover! That's just money _________
d He thinks he knows everything, but he's _______
e A: Do you remember we met here ten years ago? B: Yes, _____
f We get most of our business through ________.
g No time to prepare this meeting. Let's just _________
h Left and right never _______ on political issues.
i When she hears I've crashed the car again, she'll _______ !
j A joke at the beginning of a presentation can _____.
k A: You just need to be patient. B: ______
l If they want to find an agreement, they'll have to ______
Go to the idioms dictionary here.
Check your answers here.
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